Friday, June 7, 2013


this clay project was fun. even for me, and im not that big of a cly working fan... too dirty. anyway we basically had to flatten a lump of clay out and cut it to the size of a stencil we made. i made mine tis rectangular spikey thing. i draped it over an old meatloaf pan. i made it mainly to serve chips or other small orderves, but sadly we had a mishap and it broke in my back pack before i could even get home. i learned that pottery is delicate, how to work a kiln, and the various stages that clay goes through while in the drying process. such as leather hard etc. and if there was only one ting i would change about the project would be the way i made it. it was very fragile at the center, as you can see it was the weak point. which is where it eventually broke at.

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